How To Create A Digital Vision Board That Works

How to create a vision board

It’s time to set your intentions!

I say, think less about what you want to resolve, fix, do away withInstead, embody the spirit of the things, experiences, people, and places that you want to surround yourself with. And here’s how to do it:


What do you want to:


+ DO

+ BE




Step #1: Create it

For 2015, I created a brand new board on Pinterest (click here and follow my pins!), exclusively for my vision of what I will attract into my life for the year. You can post everything from words that embody how you want to feel (like this powerful free printable), quotes, travel destinations, money, photos of events, people, things, etc. The more specific you are, the better.

Have fun with it! Start adding images that get you excited, thrilled, fired up. Images that make you feel whole, cozy, at home. Images that push your limits. As long as they are images of things that you (again, you, not somebody else) fully want. Another option is to create a digital collage using a program such as

You’re not done there.

Step #2: Envision it

The next step is as important as creating your vision. Now it’s time for you to envision yourself with each of those attributes on your board. Take time to sit and look at every single image and as you look at each image, FEEL IT.

Feel what it feels like to HAVE that money, that beautiful loft apartment, that loving partner, that month-long vacation abroad, that freedom to leave your job and start your own journey. Feel it as though you already have it. As though it’s already a part of your life right now.

This is the Law of Attraction.

Here’s the next crucial step:

STEP #3: Put your vision board somewhere where you can and will see it everyday.

Since it is a digital board, not only do you always have it on Pinterest to refer back to, but your options are nearly endless. I like to take a screenshot of a section of my board and use it as the wallpaper on my iPhone. You can use it as the desktop background on your computer, print it out and frame it, stick it on a bulletin board. You could even get creative and print it out, cut it up and decoupage different sections of your board to use as coasters on your coffee table or at your desk!

But it is imperative that your vision board doesn’t get forgotten about or buried underneath papers. You want it to be seen. Those images will become a part of you. So take time each day to sit with your vision board and visualize what the results will feel like. Look at it before you go to bed and first thing when you wake up.

Step #4: Take inspired action toward your goals and dreams.

As with all areas of our life, we must be aligned. We will not magically become fit if we are continuing to eat unhealthy. We will not achieve financial freedom if we are spending our money frivolously in the meantime. We will not meet our life partner if we do not create the space for a loving relationship. We will not see the changes we want occur in our life if we aren’t willing to embrace change. We will not move to the city of our dreams if we’re too afraid to let go of our current life. Start taking action to create your dreams. Now.

One small step a day in the direction of what’s on your vision board. Then, release. Let go of the outcome. Do not focus on the how. The Universe will take care of the rest as you continue to take action toward your dreams. Remember, your life changes when you change. So, to wrap it up:


Get clear on what you want. Find the images and then visualize what the results are going to feel like. Do this frequently. Take action. Release.

If you feel inspired, leave a link to your Pinterest Vision Board in the comments below as inspiration for us all! And, for more on vision boards and manifesting, be sure to follow me on Instagram!


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