How Loss Can Be the Catalyst for Lasting Change

How loss can be the catalyst for lasting change |

I’m sitting here listening to a song called “By Night” by Sophie Hutchings. And it has cracked open my soul. Tears filled my eyes. I looked up. Deeply grateful for life. Its gifts, its losses, its lessons.

As the holidays approach, I think often of my mom. This will be the fourth holiday season without her. And the truth is, I still can’t comprehend that she is gone. How it all happened so quickly.

So, I’ve decided to write this loving note, going out to anyone who’s ever suffered a loss before. Whether it was losing your own mother, going through the end of a marriage, saying goodbye to your lifelong pet, etc. this is for you:

I’ve read countless books on grief and loss and healing and overcoming pain and this is what I can tell you right now — a loss as painful and jarring as the one you’ve experienced will never leave you. I won’t sit here and tell you that it ‘gets better’ or ‘easier’ because that’s not been my experience.

However, you can turn that dark night of the soul into the absolutely most transformational journey of your entire lifetime.

Promise yourself and the one you’ve lost that losing them will be the catalyst for immense, soulful, and lasting change in your life.

Whether you lost them yesterday or years ago, it is never, ever too late to heal and create a life dedicated to your self-care, happiness, growth, and passion.

It’s not easy. You have to want it. You have to wake up every morning and decide that you’re going to live in the present and focus on putting one foot in front of the other, making conscious choices and decisions along the way. But it’s possible. And you are worth it. And it’s going to be okay.

I write this with tears in my eyes because I am so deeply passionate about helping people love and honor themselves through big life changes.

I’ve been there before. And I’m there now.

Every day of my life has changed since I lost my mom. And every decision I make moving forward is made in a way that will serve my Highest Good.

When I made the decision to move to San Diego, it wasn’t for the perfect weather or beaches or year-long suntan. It wasn’t even just because I wanted to try something new. It’s because, for the first time in my life, I saw how precious life really was. And that’s when I made the decision to follow my heart and change my path. And California became the perfect new beginning for the transformation that was going on inside of me.

When we lose someone or something that played an integral role in our lives, our life therefore changes too.

And we have the option to let it destroy us; to turn to drugs and alcohol and excessive spending and unhealthy relationships and… you name it… just to mask the grief.


We let the grief grow us.

And that’s why I’m here writing this.

Allow grief to grow you.

[Tweet “Allow grief to grow you.”]

Allow it to wake you up from the life you were living and inspire you to connect with yourself, with life, and with the Universe on a deeper, more personal level.

Allow it to inspire you to finally move in the direction of your dreams and to make the necessary changes in your life in order to get there.

Quit the job. Move to the new city. Break-up with the guy. Register for the class. Start the business. Travel the world.

Whatever it is that is going to make you come alive, do that.

Because you and I both know that life is too short not to go for it.

For anyone needing help, guidance, support, and love — know that my coaching is here for you. Please reach out.

You can find my coaching programs here.

And, as always, follow my Instagram mini-blogging right here.

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