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Create your dream lifestyle in your dream city by joining Chelsea’s 3-day workshop to gain clarity & manifest change throughout the moving process


    I will teach you my powerful Lifestyle Design technique to help you get clear about where you want to live and what you want your lifestyle to feel like.


    Now that you’ve gotten clear on how you want life in your new city to feel, you will learn my techniques for manifesting that lifestyle and bringing it to fruition.


    Learn how to take inspired action and create a deliberate plan that will bring you to your desired outcome.


Join my email tribe below and receive my other workshop on Building Confidence to Make It on Your Own!

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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Helvetica” left_padding=”150″ width=”800″]If you don’t know me, I’m Chelsea Dinen. Over 6 years, I moved cross country all by myself 5 times. I moved to many different states and cities over those years because I craved adventure and new experiences. I knew it was a very unique period of my life where I had the ability to do so. Now, I’m not saying you ought to move as often as I did. Once is absolutely enough.

But, if you’re here, chances are you have a wanderlust heart just as I do. And you’ve been feeling the pull for quite some time now to move to another city. Maybe it’s on the other side of the country. Maybe it’s a couple hours away. Maybe there are even a few cities that have been calling your name.

The message I want to leave you with today is to listen to that call in your heart. That call to move to a new city.

However, you might be feeling a bit uncertain. “Is it even possible?” you ask yourself as you imagine what you want your life in that new city to look like. I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been there before. 5 times to be exact!

Through moving as often as I did at such a vital time in my life, a time where I could ask myself the hard questions, figure out what I really wanted out of life, and who I wanted to become… I ended up creating the exact life I had only dreamt of in my late teens and early twenties.

Today, I live in beautiful San Diego, California in the most perfect-for-me home I’ve ever seen. I work from home (or the beach on occasion) and feel entirely fulfilled and in alignment with my personal values every single day. I did not get here because of luck or ‘perfect timing.’ I got here because I took the time to get extremely clear about how I wanted my life to feel.

The truth is, if you’re unhappy wherever you’re living today, you can pick up and move 3,000 miles to that new city… and end up being just as unhappy there. Moving to a new city won’t fix anything. But it can certainly enhance your quality of life if you get clear on what you value most, what you want your life to feel like, and (most importantly) what you’re willing to do to get yourself to that point.

I want to help you find that clarity. And I want to help you start taking the actual steps toward calling the city of your dreams HOME.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”21″ font_font=”Droid%20Serif” font_style=”bold” left_padding=”150″ width=”800″]JOIN ME FOR MY WORKSHOP ON HOW TO CREATE THE LIFESTYLE OF YOUR DREAMS IN THE CITY OF YOUR DREAMS.[/text_block]


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