Inspired Action vs. Waiting for the Universe

Inspired Action vs. Waiting for the Universe |

Have a big dream or goal in life? In this video, I share my thoughts about the difference between taking inspired action and waiting for the Universe to deliver.

Here’s what I mean by that:

You set your intention for this thing you really want to happen or goal you really want to hit or dream you want to accomplish. And then you wait for the Universe to start opening doors for you. After all, that’s what the Law of Attraction teaches us, right? Eh, not so much.

That’s where INSPIRED ACTION comes into play.

In this video, I discuss that magic spot where taking action and following our intuition and/or guidance from the Universe come together.

Or watch this video directly on YouTube here!

Be sure you subscribe to my channel so that you don’t miss my follow-up video about my solo trip to New York City this year as well!

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